The Evolution of Refrigerator Styles

Like most of the large appliances we use in our homes, refrigerators have come a long way over the decades.  Since it’s invention in 1913, home refrigerators have become the central piece of family kitchens. Let’s take a look at the evolution of refrigerator styles.


Early Fridge Models

In 1923, the electric refrigerator made its debut in homes in America. Unfortunately, not everyone could afford one. The first model cost around $500 which would be the equivalent to $7,000 in today’s money, so they were only found in high society homes for the first several years after their introduction. You most likely wouldn’t recognize a 1920’s fridge, it looked more like a small cabinet than an appliance, but it made food storage a million times more convenient. The 1930’s fridges kept the compact style profile although expanding with size with the addition of a freezer compartment.


The Modern Fridge Originated in the 1940’s

By 1944, 85% of American homes had a refrigerator, so a makeover of sorts began to make it easy to mass produce. More rounded edges and pastel colors began to emerge, that gave the 1950’s fridge it’s iconic look. In the ’50s and ’60s refrigerators were made to match the colors of the countertops and cabinets, so they became available in every shade of the rainbow and still featured the rounded, loaf of bread shape.


Large Size and Sharp Edges

The rectangle shape of today’s fridges emerged in the late ’60s when everything became bigger and better. This continued in the ’70s when larger freezers became a selling point. The ’90s is when fancy features emerged like French doors and water and ice dispensers which changed the shape a bit, but the boxy sleek look remained.


People still love the retro style of old fridges which is why you see glimpses of them in modern designs. Whether you have an old-fashioned ice box or a top of the line modern fridge, Express Appliance Service can help keep in it in top shape.