Top Loading vs Front Loading Washing Machines

If you’re in the market for a new washer, the main choice you’ll have to make is top loading or front loading. There are several different factors that go into this decision, like laundry room layout and budget among others. Let’s take a closer look at these two options.

Top Loading

Top loading washers have been around since the invention of the washing machine. A major benefit to this type of appliance is that it’s easy to load your clothes into. There’s no bending required, making it a better choice for those who have limited mobility. But because the door to this kind of washing machine swings upward from the top of the machine, you won’t be able to place it under a counter like you would with a front-loading appliance. Top loaders wash clothes with the help of an agitator which spins the items back and forth. Agitators use mechanical force, which can be tough on fabrics, causing them to wear or fade quickly. They also require a large amount of water compared to front loading. 

Front Loading

A front loading washing machine requires you to insert your clothes through a door that swings outward, just like a dryer. This means you can have a counter over your washer and dryer to make more practical use of your laundry room space. A front loading washing machine does not have an agitator, it uses a circular motion and gravity to wash your clothes as opposed to needing something to physically push clothes towards the bottom or top. Because of this, less water and detergent are needed to wash the same amount of clothes. This is also gentler on your fabrics, allowing them to last longer and maintain their color vibrancy. A front loading washing machine comes at a higher price point than a top loading, so this could factor into your decision as well.

Both types of machines are reliable and practical, so the choice is yours.