Sure, you may use it every night, and rely on it to wash your dishes so you don’t have to, but do you really know how your dishwasher works? Understanding how an appliance works is helpful when something breaks down or begins to fail, so you can treat it accordingly. Here’s a breakdown of how a dishwasher works.
What Happens When You Push the “Start” Button
Once you’ve loaded your dishwasher and added the soap, you close the door and press the necessary buttons for the cycle you want. Then the magic happens. Once a wash cycle starts, your dishwasher adds the amount of water needed to the bottom of the machine and heats it to the appropriate temperature. Contrary to popular belief, only the required water is added, your machine is not continuously adding water while it’s on. Once the proper amount of water is at the bottom of the machine, it activates a sensor which then turns the heating element on.
The Washing Begins
Once the water is hot enough, another sensor is activated, and the next stage begins. An electric pump takes the warmed water and forces it into the pipes on the side of the machine, which are connected to spinning paddles. When water enters the paddles, it makes them spin around. The spinning motion, much like garden sprinklers, assures the water goes everywhere it needs to go to wash your dishes. The water that falls down to the bottom of the machine is heated up again, and the cycle is repeated.
The Drying Cycle
Once your dishwasher has completed the washing phase, the water drains through the bottom of the machine and your machine heats up again. The water still on the dishes evaporates in the heat. When this process is complete, your dishwasher is done and your dishes are clean.
If your dishwasher isn’t working properly, remember Express Appliance Repair is here for all your home appliance needs. Call for an appointment today!