The Importance of Your Dishwasher’s Water Temperature Controls

When you use an appliance almost every day, it’s easy to get into a habit and not take advantage of other settings it has to offer. Your dishwasher, for example, has several different water temperature controls. When should you be using the hottest setting? Can your dishes get clean using warm water? Read on to learn more about the importance of your dishwasher’s water temperature controls.


Water Temperature and Clean Dishes

Although it’s not just the water that cleans the dishes in your dishwasher, it does play a significant role in the process. When your dishes don’t get clean enough, one of the reasons could be that the water isn’t getting hot enough. Cold or lukewarm water just doesn’t have enough power to remove food or grime from dirty dishes. But it’s important to note that sometimes if the water is too hot, it could contribute to spotty or streaked glasses, silverware, and dishes.

How to Tell if Your Dishwasher Has a Temperature Problem

A dirty or damaged spinner could be the reason for spotty dishes. However, your water temperature is more likely the issue. Contrary to popular belief, the heating element in your dishwasher is not responsible for heating the water. It heats the air that dries your dishes. If your water is not getting hot enough, and you still have hot water in other areas of your home, it could be an issue with the water line connected to your dishwasher.

Call in the Pros

If your dishwasher’s water temperature controls are not working correctly, it’s time to call in the pros. Although there are ways to fix certain home appliances yourself, when you’re dealing with temperature issues, it’s best to leave it to the appliance experts. Express Appliance has years of experience and can get your dishwasher running hot again in no time. Give us a call today!