Author Archives: MMMwebadmin

How You May Be Paying Monthly For a Broken Fridge

Your refrigerator is the biggest energy consumer in your home. Older fridges generally use more electricity than new models. When a fridge starts to break down, it will use more energy as it tries to maintain a consistently cold temperature. Basically, a broken fridge will work harder than it should have to. You may think […]

The Benefits of Owning Two Separate Ovens

If you have spent your entire life with just one oven in your kitchen, it may seem like the only way. Any more would just be overkill, right? Not quite. In fact, you may be missing out on a world of culinary possibilities. Read on to learn about the benefits of owning two separate ovens. […]

Understanding the Settings on Your Dishwasher

Our dishwasher is a lifesaver. What would we do without them? If you are like the average American who owns a dishwasher, you probably use it often. But do you use the same setting every time? Maybe you are not even aware of what the other settings do. Because if the tried and true “Normal” […]

Sweater Dryer Cabinets and Other Unique Dryer Features

What is a sweater dryer cabinet? Well, it is a cool new feature on some new dryers. Let us look at what this unique dryer feature is capable of.   What is a dryer cabinet? A dryer cabinet, like the one featured on The Neptune Drying Center, combines a dryer with a new feature on […]

Appliance Maintenance The Average Person Thinks They Can Handle

Here are some appliance maintenance tasks the average person thinks they can handle but unfortunately, they are usually mistaken.   Clouded Glass Oven Door How can you possibly get that oven door clean if you must clean in between the glass panels? It is a lot more difficult than you think. The proper way to […]

New Fridge Features That Need Regular Maintenance

Refrigerators have come quite a long way in the last few decades. There are so many new features that make fridges more convenient than ever. But some do require regular maintenance to keep them functioning properly. Here is a look at some new fridge features that may need regular maintenance.   Special Side Doors There […]

Basic Cleaning Tips for Your Appliances

Cleaning the kitchen can be a bit tedious. There are so many nooks and crannies everywhere, and it is hard to clean every one of them. Appliances can be especially tricky to keep clean. We have compiled a list of tips for each appliance to make it a little easier. Here are some basic cleaning […]

Best Dishwasher Brands

Your dishwasher is probably the most convenient appliance in your kitchen. Nobody wants to wash a sink full of dishes! So you definitely want a reliable brand that you know is going to get the job done right and have a long lifespan. Here are some of the best dishwasher brands.   Whirlpool Whirlpool is […]